Be aware, but don’t panic – how to deal with your fears?


It is sad to see a powerful country tearing itself apart little by little from the inside. It is even more heartbreaking to see the confidence and faith of its people being shredded without help.

If you are one of them or you are going through equally difficult times, remember that you always have a choice, whatever the circumstances.

You can choose to let panic feed on your mind and body, and let it get worse at the expense of your life.

Or, you can choose to see your situation in perspective, stay positive and end the panic here and there. With this second option, you will find, below, the content that will elevate your mental and physical well-being during these times.

1- Focus on what you can control

See the measures taken by the authorities as a necessary stabilization step to limit the spread of the virus. No more. Don’t worry about how the system will get up, you’re just wasting your time looking for answers that are beyond your competence, unless you are working explicitly on the subject.
Concentrate on YOU, on what you can do to improve your daily life despite the fear that reigns everywhere. Focus on your mental and physical health, what you can do good for the people who need it right now. Know that if everyone improves their daily life, we will be able to overcome any situation together.

2- Stay away from social media and the latest news

The first source of panic and fear comes from what we hear and what we see in the media. Certainly, they are just doing their job of capturing the most possible attention. To do this, a horror character in the situation is the best source from which they can draw a lot of attention. Some will tell you about the conspiracy theory, others of a trade war, you will see all the colors on these social networks.

When you are absorbed by this news, here and there, the senseless terror certainly take over. Focusing on horror stories feeds your anxiety and fear more than necessary.

Yes, we must be aware of the danger, but no more. Stay informed – check the factual updates on the virus from reliable sources such as WHO, follow the instructions that the authorities have announced. But to maintain your sanity, avoid obsessively googling, avoid the news, and limit the time spent on social media.

3- Be rational with your thoughts

Learn to see the crisis as it really is, but don’t get lost in imaginations beyond your control. You’re just wasting precious moments by doing this. Ask yourself, what are all the reasons why I should feel safe? What are all the things I do to make a bad outcome less likely? Why shouldn’t I be afraid? My fears and worries are they justified? If so, what can I do about them? That’s it. You must clarify the situation as clearly as possible.

4- Occupy your mind

Instead of spending the majority of your time surfing the news and fueling useless moments of suspense, occupy your mind by playing the piano, reading as many positive documents as possible, playing a board game, or meditating, all these activities can help calm your mind and prevent you from falling into a downward spiral of despair.

5- Take care of yourself

It’s impossible to be at your best if you’re constantly exhausted. So even in difficult times, you need to make sleep, exercise and healthy eating your priority. Because, quite simply, you cannot be mentally strong if you do not feel physically strong. This not only boosts your body, but also boosts your mind to deal with all the negativity that surrounds you right now.

6- Create a new routine if necessary

If you’re stuck at home with the kids, it doesn’t mean you can’t go out. Take a stroll around your house if you can, or sit on your balcony for a while to breathe the fresh air with your children. Don’t be afraid to do things with very low contact, pleasant and healthy.

If you live alone, well, fortunately we live in a technological age that allows us to connect with friends, even when we are alone at home. Whether on the phone or via Skype, talking to people has been proven to reduce depression and feelings of anxiety. (But, please, try not to talk about the crisis!)

7- Reassess the meaning of your life

Difficult times present difficult but valuable lessons that force us to reassess the meanings we attach to our lives. Ask yourself, “Are the meanings and the goals that I lived before the crisis really worth it? Through this crisis, what are the things that I found really important for me? And which are those that do not aren’t they as precious as I thought? ” With this, you will reevaluate your why you have defined and adjust, if necessary, the dice towards what really matters to you.

May your mind be strengthened in the face of this crisis! You can get there and you will get there.

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