Pain is unavoidable, but the suffering depends on you


Today, it is no longer a concerns just a few thousand, but millions of people who suffer from day-to-day mental health problems. Anxiety and depression rates have peaked at record levels. Suicide attempts continue to rise in most countries. Stress has entered the hearts of some and anger has taken its toll on the homes of many. The most worrisome thing is that these disorders most often begin among the young and the not-so-young.

Many people who don’t know what to do in these situations turn to tools that give them a bath of positivity every time they find themselves in such situations. These tools that are supposed to help overcome adversity only make it worse, which has the same effect as adding a touch of oil to a forest already burning.

So it’s only a matter of time before you and I are mentally defeated. However, rest assured, I have good news for you: every difficulty has a way out, all you have to do is find out what it is.

Resilience is one of the skills that will help you overcome these ongoing life challenges. It includes the ability to deal with negative experiences and turn them into positive ones.

Let me explain.

At some point in your life, you will undoubtedly be experiencing stressful situations. You will find yourself overwhelmed by sadness at some point in your life to the extent that anything that goes around could be a source of hatred. Your brain will try to soothe this feeling by letting you believe that you are a victim of an unhealthy state because, very often, you are not ready for such situations. In fact, we are never ready to face an unpredictable situation, but we can build in ourselves some elements to be able to create positive accommodations to these negative events.

The struggle therefore is to consider emotions such as fear, failure, sadness and disgust in order to make them useful and productive.

It’s like taking a sheet of paper full of crap, putting in a perfect touch of proofreader and ending up with a sheet of paper newly ready for other ventures.

Let’s see how to do this

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