You may not know what love is


Whether immense or insignificant, with a heartwarming in a storm of emotions, most of us think we have experienced love, but very few actually do.

When we observe the evolution of our life, we see that it has been built on principles that distort true love.

In adolescence, most of our relationships were conditional in nature. Relationships in which we did things only to get something in return. Relationships in which, if we didn’t meet our needs, a year later our best friend became our worst enemy. Relationships that were inconsistent, shallow and very dramatic.

Then we grow up with this conditional state that unconsciously shapes most of our actions. We choose to live with this person because we feel good with them. We constantly try to solve their problems or provide for their needs so that we feel important to them. We constantly use him or her to meet our sexual, financial or self-esteem needs. So to say that we are not in a relationship with this person, but rather with feeling good about ourselves.

These relationships based on consciously or unconsciously developed conditions usually end in disappointment. And for good reason, the people involved in these relationships find it difficult to give up the conviction that love and acceptance depend on certain benefits they provide people or certain conditions they have to fulfil. This ends up creating a world where divorce is child’s play.

Let’s discover the scope of the subject by going through, first, the story of conditional and unconditional love and, then, the elements that will allow you to pass through this whirlwind that dominates the world.


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